Chapter-2 The Friendly Mongoose Solutions

A Pact with the Sun Class 6 Chapter 2: Summary

Summary of Chapter 2: The Friendly Mongoose Solutions

The Friendly Mongoose solutions summary:
In the story “The Friendly Mongoose,” a farmer and his wife, living in a village with their small son, decide to bring a pet into their home to be a companion for their child. The farmer brings home a baby mongoose, which they hope will become a friend to their son.

As time passes, both the baby and the mongoose grow. One day, the farmer’s wife needs to go to the market and leaves the baby sleeping in the cradle, asking her husband to watch over him. The farmer, trusting the mongoose, leaves the house for a while. When the farmer’s wife returns, she finds the mongoose at the entrance with blood on its face and paws. Believing that the mongoose has harmed her child, she angrily strikes the mongoose with a heavy basket, killing it. She then discovers her baby safe and a dead snake nearby, realising that the mongoose had saved her child from the snake. Overcome with grief and regret, she mourns the loss of the faithful mongoose.

NCERT Solutions for A Pact with the Sun Class 6 The Friendly Mongoose Solutions

Chapter 2: The Friendly Mongoose

Question 1: Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house?

Answer: The farmer brought a baby mongoose into the house because he believed it would grow up to be a companion and friend for their son.

Question 2: Why didn’t the farmer’s wife want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose?

Answer: The farmer’s wife was hesitant to leave the baby alone with the mongoose because she was worried about the safety of her child.

Question 3: What was the farmer’s comment on his wife’s fears?

Answer: The farmer reassured his wife by saying that the mongoose was a friendly animal and was as sweet as their baby. He believed that the mongoose and the baby were the best of friends.

Question 4: Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?

Answer: The farmer’s wife struck the mongoose with her basket because she saw blood on its face and paws and hastily concluded that the mongoose had killed her baby.

Question 5: Did she repent her hasty action? How does she show her repentance?

Answer: Yes, she repented her hasty action. She showed her repentance by crying and lamenting over the dead mongoose, realising that the mongoose had actually saved her child by killing a snake.

The Friendly Mongoose Solutions
The Friendly Mongoose
The Friendly Mongoose – A Pact with the Sun Summary, Questions, and Answers

Extra Practice Questions with Answers related to Chapter-2 The Friendly Mongoose Solutions

Question 1: Why did the farmer trust the mongoose despite his wife’s fears?

Answer: The farmer trusted the mongoose because he believed it was a friendly and loyal animal. He thought that the mongoose and the baby had developed a bond of friendship.

Question 2: What lesson can be learned from the story “The Friendly Mongoose”?

Answer: The story teaches the lesson that hasty actions and decisions made in anger or fear can lead to regretful consequences. It is important to assess situations carefully before reacting.

Question 3: Describe the reaction of the farmer’s wife when she found the mongoose at the entrance.

Answer: When the farmer’s wife found the mongoose at the entrance with blood on its face and paws, she immediately assumed the worst. She screamed in horror, thinking the mongoose had killed her baby, and in her rage, she struck and killed the mongoose with a heavy basket.

Question 4: How did the farmer’s wife feel after realising the truth about the mongoose’s actions?

Answer: After realising the truth, the farmer’s wife was filled with sorrow and regret. She understood that the mongoose had actually saved her baby from a snake, and she felt deep remorse for having killed the loyal and brave mongoose.

Question 5: What can be inferred about the relationship between the farmer’s family and the mongoose before the tragic incident?

Answer: Before the tragic incident, it can be inferred that the farmer’s family had a trusting and affectionate relationship with the mongoose. They brought the mongoose into their home with the intention of making it a companion for their son, indicating their initial trust and belief in the mongoose’s friendliness.

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