Chapter-3 The Shepherd’s Treasure Solutions

A Pact with the Sun Class 6 Chapter 3: The Shepherd’s Treasure Summary

Summary of Chapter 3: The Shepherd’s Treasure Solutions

The Shepherd’s Treasure solutions summary:
The story “The Shepherd’s Treasure” is set in a village in Iran, where a poor and uneducated shepherd lives. Despite his lack of formal education, he is wise and kind-hearted, offering counsel to those in need. His reputation for wisdom reaches the king, who decides to meet him in disguise.

The king, disguised as a shepherd, visits the shepherd’s humble dwelling and is warmly welcomed. The shepherd’s hospitality and wisdom impress the king, who reveals his identity and appoints the shepherd as the governor of a small district. The shepherd remains humble and just, earning the love and respect of his people.

However, the other governors become jealous and accuse the shepherd of dishonesty, suggesting that he hides a treasure in an iron chest he always carries. When summoned to the palace to explain, the shepherd reveals that the chest contains only an old blanket, a reminder of his humble origins. The king is pleased with the shepherd’s humility and wisdom and rewards him by making him the governor of a larger district.

NCERT Solutions for A Pact with the Sun Class 6 The Shepherd’s Treasure Solutions

Chapter 3: The Shepherd’s Treasure Solutions

Question 1: The shepherd hadn’t been to school because
(i) he was very poor.
(ii) there were very few schools in those days.
(iii) he wasn’t interested in studies.
Choose the right answer.

Answer: (ii) there were very few schools in those days.

Question 2: Who visited the shepherd one day, and why?

Answer: The king visited the shepherd in disguise because he had heard of the shepherd’s wisdom and wanted to meet him.

Question 3: Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd?

Answer: The other governors grew jealous of the shepherd because he was loved and honoured for his wisdom and fairness, and they felt threatened by his popularity and integrity.

Question 4: Why was the new governor called to the palace?

Answer: The new governor was called to the palace to explain why he always carried an iron chest, as the other governors had accused him of dishonesty and claimed that he kept a treasure in it.

Question 5: Why was everyone delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back?

Answer: Everyone was delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back because they were eager to see the contents and hoped to prove the shepherd’s dishonesty.

Question 6: (i) What did the iron chest contain?

Answer: The iron chest contained an old blanket.

Question 6: (ii) Why did the shepherd always carry it?

Answer:  The shepherd always carried the blanket because it was a reminder of his humble beginnings and his only treasure.

Question 6: (iii) Is it an example of the shepherd’s humility or wisdom or both?

Answer: It is an example of both the shepherd’s humility and wisdom.

Question 7: How did the king reward the new governor?

Answer: The king rewarded the new governor by making him the governor of a much larger district.

The Shepherd’s Treasure solutions
The Shepherd’s Treasure solutions – A Pact with the Sun Summary, Questions, and Answers

Extra Practice Questions with Answers related to Chapter-3 The Shepherd’s Treasure Solutions

Question 1: What qualities of the shepherd impressed the king during his visit?

Answer: The king was impressed by the shepherd’s hospitality, wisdom, and humility.

Question 2: How did the shepherd’s attitude towards his new position as governor reflect his character?

Answer: The shepherd remained humble and just, showing that his character was not influenced by power or wealth.

Question 3: What lesson can be learned from the shepherd’s story?

Answer: The story teaches that true wisdom and humility are more valuable than wealth and power. It also highlights the importance of integrity and kindness.

Question 4: Why did the king decide to meet the shepherd in disguise?

Answer: The king decided to meet the shepherd in disguise to observe his true nature and wisdom without revealing his own identity.

Question 5: Describe the reaction of the other governors when the shepherd revealed the contents of the iron chest.

Answer: The other governors were astonished and embarrassed when the shepherd revealed that the chest contained only an old blanket, realising that their accusations were unfounded and that the shepherd was indeed wise and humble.

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