Chapter-7 A Pact with the Sun Solutions

A Pact with the Sun Class 6 Chapter 7: A Pact with the Sun Summary

Summary of Chapter 7: A Pact with the Sun Solutions / Questions and Answers

A Pact with the Sun summary:

The chapter A Pact with the Sun tells the story of Saeeda’s mother, who has been suffering from various ailments for a long time. Despite consulting many physicians, her health does not improve significantly as she is confined to a dark, small room without fresh air or sunshine. Eventually, on the advice of neighbours and relatives, she consults a specialist who prescribes effective medicine and advises her to eat normal food, get fresh air, and sit in the sunlight for an hour each morning.

However, for several days, the sky remains overcast, preventing Saeeda’s mother from getting any sunlight. Saeeda, using a special language understood by children, asks the sunrays to come and help her mother get well. Moved by Saeeda’s request, the sunrays resolve to break through the clouds and reach Saeeda’s courtyard. When the sun finally shines, Saeeda’s mother sits in the sun, feels its warmth, and breathes fresh air. This daily exposure to sunlight and fresh air gradually restores her health, and she fully recovers.

NCERT Solutions for A Pact with the Sun Class 6 A Pact with the Sun Solutions

Chapter-7 A Pact with the Sun Solutions / Questions and Answers

Question 1: What did the physicians ask Saeeda’s mother to do to get well? Did their advice help her? If not, why?

Answer: The physicians asked Saeeda’s mother to stay confined in her room and follow a restricted diet. This advice did not help her because she was deprived of fresh air and sunlight, which are essential for health and recovery.

Question 2: What did the specialist prescribe in addition to medicine?

Answer: The specialist prescribed normal food, fresh air, and daily exposure to sunlight for an hour each morning, in addition to the effective but costly medicine.

Question 3: What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do?

Answer: Saeeda requested the sunrays to come the next day with lots of warmth and brightness to help her mother recover from her illness.

Question 4: Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth the next day?

Answer: The sunrays were keen to go down to the earth because they had made a promise to Saeeda to help her mother by providing the much-needed sunlight for her recovery.

Chapter-7 A Pact with the Sun Solutions
Chapter-7 A Pact with the Sun Solutions
A Pact with the Sun solutions – A Pact with the Sun Summary, Questions, and Answers

Extra Practice Questions with Answers related to Chapter-7 A Pact with the Sun Solutions

Question 1: How did Saeeda’s mother feel after sitting in the sunlight and breathing fresh air for the first time in months?

Answer: Saeeda’s mother felt rejuvenated and as if she was in a new world. Her face glowed, her eyes shone bright, and she experienced a sense of well-being and vitality.

Question 2: What was the initial reaction of the people when the doctor advised fresh air and sunlight for Saeeda’s mother?

Answer: The initial reaction was mixed; some people supported the doctor’s advice, while others opposed it, believing that exposure to fresh air and sunlight would be dangerous for someone with a chronic cough.

Question 3: What lesson can be learned from the story “A Pact with the Sun”?

Answer: The story teaches the importance of fresh air and sunlight for good health and recovery. It also highlights the significance of hope and the power of nature in healing.

Question 4: Describe the role of Saeeda’s determination in her mother’s recovery.

Answer: Saeeda’s determination played a crucial role in her mother’s recovery. Despite the initial lack of sunlight, Saeeda’s earnest request to the sunrays and her belief in the doctor’s advice ensured that her mother received the necessary sunlight and fresh air for healing.

Question 5: Why is it important to follow a doctor’s advice, even when it seems unconventional?

Answer: It is important to follow a doctor’s advice, even when it seems unconventional, because medical professionals have the knowledge and expertise to recommend treatments that may not be immediately understood but are ultimately beneficial for health and recovery.

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