Chapter 1: A Tale of Two Birds Solutions

A Pact with the Sun Class 6 Chapter 1: Summary

Summary of Chapter 1: A Tale of Two Birds

A Tale of Two Birds Solutions Summary: A Tale of Two Birds tells the story of a mother bird and her two young ones who lived in a forest. One day, a fierce storm hit the forest, killing the mother bird and separating the two baby birds. One bird landed near a cave inhabited by robbers, while the other ended up near a rishi’s ashram. As time passed, the birds grew up in their respective environments.

One day, a king lost his way while hunting in the forest. He first encountered the bird near the robbers’ cave, who spoke like the robbers, urging his companions to steal from the king. Startled, the king fled and soon found the other bird near the rishi’s ashram, who welcomed him warmly. The king was amazed at the difference in behaviour between the two birds and later learned from the rishi that the birds’ behaviour was influenced by their surroundings. The story concludes with the moral that one’s behaviour is often shaped by the company one keeps.

NCERT Solutions for A Pact with the Sun Class 6 A Tale of Two Birds Solutions

Chapter 1: A Tale of Two Birds Solutions

Question 1: How did the two baby birds get separated?

Solution: The two baby birds got separated due to a big storm that blew down the tree they were living in, causing them to be blown to different parts of the forest.

Question 2: Where did each of them find a home?

Solution: One bird found a home near a cave where a gang of robbers lived, and the other bird landed outside a rishi’s ashram.

Question 3:What did the first bird say to the stranger?

Solution: The first bird, living near the robbers’ cave, said, “Quick! Hurry up! There’s someone under the tree. Come and take his jewels and his horse. Hurry, or else he’ll slip away.”

Question 4: What did the second bird say to him?

Solution: The second bird, living near the rishi’s ashram, said, “Welcome to the ashram, Sir. Please go inside and rest. The rishi will be back soon. There’s some cold water in the pot. Please make yourself comfortable.”

Question 5: How did the rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved?

Solution: The rishi explained that the birds’ behaviour was influenced by the company they kept. The bird that lived near the robbers imitated their behaviour, while the bird that lived near the rishi welcomed people as he had always heard.

Question 6: Which one of the following sums up the story best?

Solution: (ii) One is known by the company one keeps.

Class-6 Chapter-1 A-Tale-of-Two-Birds-Solutions
A Tale of Two Birds
Chapter-1 A Tale of Two Birds – A Pact with the Sun, summary and Questions, and Answers

Extra Practice Questions with Solutions related to Chapter-1 A Tale of Two Birds Solutions

Question 1: Why was the king amazed at the behaviour of the two birds?

Solution: The king was amazed because although the two birds looked alike, they behaved very differently due to the different environments they had grown up in.

Question 2: What moral lesson does the story teach?

Solution: The story teaches that one’s behaviour and character are greatly influenced by the company one keeps.

Question 3: What did the king learn from his encounter with the two birds?

Solution: The king learned that environment and upbringing play a crucial role in shaping an individual’s behaviour and personality.

Question 4: Describe an instance where you helped someone and how it made you feel.

Solution: Example Answer: Once, I helped an elderly neighbour carry her groceries home. She was very grateful and thanked me repeatedly. Helping her made me feel happy and proud because I was able to make her day a little easier.

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